Ways to Prevent Falling at Home

Many falls happen at home, and no demographic is more prone to suffering falls and potential injuries than seniors. In fact, falls are the leading cause of injury for seniors aged 65 or above. Whether you’re a senior who wants to prevent falling for yourself, or whether you’re a caregiver who wants to provide a […]

4 Outdoor Accessibility Products for Your Home

Many seniors face several physical issues when it comes to outdoor spaces. Even a short excursion outside of the home can require a great deal of personal effort and energy.  However, there are a few things that can help bring the outdoors closer for seniors, one of the best is investing in outdoor accessibility equipment. […]

Grab Bars for Seniors: What You Need to Know

Bathroom falls are known to be common across all age groups. Grab bars for seniors are particularly recommended since adults aged 65 and above are most likely to suffer fall-related injuries.  To help prevent bathroom injuries, some government officials are even considering policies that would require bathroom grab bar installation in the home. In a […]

Aging-In-Place Bathroom Design Ideas

Ready to make some proactive plans for aging-in-place bathroom design? We’re here to help. Why should you consider a bathroom remodel for seniors? Let’s start by looking at the facts. While many might assume the kitchen to be the most dangerous room in the home, the bathroom actually tends to cause more injuries. More than […]

Bathroom Remodel for Seniors: 5 Products You Need

While the kitchen can certainly pose some risks, the bathroom is generally considered to be the most injury-prone room in the home. Over two-thirds of all home injuries that result in emergency room visits occur around the bathtub, shower, or toilet.  Falls are also the leading cause of injury among adults aged 65 and over, […]

What to Consider When Installing a Wheelchair Ramp for Home

Mobility is something that many folks tend to take for granted – that is until they start to lose it. Suffering an accident, having major surgery, being diagnosed with a limiting physical condition, or simply getting older are all factors that can lead to limited mobility. But the good news is that there are solutions […]

Home Stairlifts: Products and Installation

For many people, stairs can become a challenge, especially as stability and balance start to decline. However, home stairlifts can be an excellent solution as they help you get some of your mobility and freedom back.   If you are concerned about using the stairs in or outside of your home, use the information below to […]

Aging-In-Place Remodeling Tips

Aging in place is much more appealing for many people compared to moving into a care facility. Maintaining independence and self-esteem, staying connected to the community, and affordability are just three important ways that seniors benefit from remaining in their own homes.  However, they may need to make adjustments to their home and lifestyle to […]

Stairlifts for Home: The Complete Guide

A stairlift can give you safe and reliable access to your entire home, restoring mobility and independence. 

7 Aging-In-Place Products for Your Home

With a few updates, you may be able to continue to live where you love to be, even as physical activities become a bit more challenging. The following are some of the best aging-in-place products designed to make it possible for you to get around safely.