Choosing Between a Stairlift Installation or a Residential Elevator

Are aging-in-place home modifications really worth the investment? And how do you decide whether you’d benefit most from a residential elevator or a stairlift installation?  It comes down to a variety of factors including: How many levels your home includes What your present situation involves What’s most important to you What your budget allows for […]

Home Healthsmith Wins B.R.A.G.B. Silver Prism Award For Boston Elevator Project ​

The Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston (B.R.A.G.B.) awarded a 2019 Silver Prism Award to Home Healhsmith™

Home Healthsmith™ Elevator Installation – Boston MA Luxury Townhouse Condo

Watch the video to see this stunning installation of a residential elevator in a luxury townhouse condominium in Boston MA. Give us a call now at: 401-293-0415 if you’d like one installed in your home or condominium in Massachusetts, Rhode Island or Connecticut.